Votes and Proceedings - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Senedd

Meeting date:
Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Meeting time: 13.30
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




1       Questions to the First Minister

The item started at 13.30

The first 8 questions were asked. The Presiding Officer invited party leaders to ask questions to the First Minister after question 2.



2       Business Statement and Announcement

The item started at 14.17



3       Statement by the Minister for Environment: Update on Flood Impacts of Storm Callum

This item started at 14.47



4       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services: Findings of the Independent Accelerated Programme for Amber Review - Postponed until 6 November 2018

The item was postponed until 6 November 2018



5       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance: Update on Regional Investment after Brexit

The item started at 15.21



6       Statement by the Leader of the House and Chief Whip: Broadband Update - Postponed until 23 October 2018

The item was postponed until 23 October 2018



7       Statement by the Leader of the House and Chief Whip: Action on Disability: The Right to Independent Living

The item started at 16.15



8       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and Public Services: The Valleys Regional Park

The item started at 16.53



9       Statement by the Minister for Housing and Regeneration: Update on Year 2 of the Innovative Housing Programme

The item started at 17.46



10   Statement by the Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care: Adoption Week

The item started at 18.19



The meeting concluded at 18.51

The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Wednesday, 17 October 2018